Donor Spotlight
Thank you to our 2022 Donors, we appreciate your support!
Please contact us with any additions or corrections. We appreciate your help in keeping our donor information current. or 610-935-7711
- Next Level Trainings
All class members and their many friends and family members. We cannot thank you enough!! (Individual donor names are not available). - Phoenixville Community Health Foundation
Chester County Fund for Women and Girls
Chester County Community Foundation
Detwiler Family Foundation
The Gabrinda Franklin Foundation
Genuardi Family Foundation
The Gordon Charter Foundation
Anne and Philip Glatfelter III Family Foundation
Journey Church
John Loftus
Marshall-Reynolds Foundation
Robert E Morris
Parsons Corporation
Saint Basil the Great
Shortlidge Foundation
The Lenfest Foundation
The Pilgrim Foundation
The Scholler Foundation
Wells Fargo Philanthropic Service
Patricia Dugan
Michael and Michelle English
Gabriel Weinberg
The Huston Foundation |
First Cornerstone Foundation |
The Mutual Fire Foundation Inc |
Phoenixville Federal Bank &Trust |
The John Lazarich Foundation |
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation |
Kelly Faggioli |
Raymond Keefe |
Bill Morling |
Kimberton Whole Foods |
Voices for the Unborn |
Corpus Christi Respect Life Group |
William Curry |
Ed Elgarresta |
Jenkintown Day Nursery Foundation Christine Hellauer |
Richard Seidel |
Bistro on Bridge |
Elizabeth Murray |
Tracy Musser |
St. Mary Magdalene Community |
Kim Murphy |
Robert Gazda |
Patricia Rodenbaugh |
Aerials Gymnastics Center |
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church |
Raegan Arrington |
Chester County Community Foundation |
James Clarke |
Mark Crean |
Holly Curry |
Douglas Dreyer |
John P Lehning Trust |
Susan Moul |
Mark Nowakowski |
Patriot Chevrolet |
David Pelton |
Greg Porter |
Ralph Rodak |
Robert Rouse |
The Gulati Family Foundation |
Kainos Church of Christ |
M. Dianne March |
Robert Pingitore |
David Fazzini |
St. Eleanor’s Roman Catholic Church |
BPOE Pottstown Lodge No 814 |
Robert Jackson |
Clairmont, Paciello & CO. P.C. |
Dorothy Claudy |
Nancy Coyne |
Flamma Group Ryan Daniels Laura Gumprecht |
Robert Hartman |
Erin Hueber |
Anne C Huff |
David Johnson |
Diana Kelly |
Richard A Lenoir |
Monica Mockus |
Michele Murphy |
George Naab Jr. |
Patricia J O’ Shaughnessy |
Linda M. Orff |
Otterbein United Methodist Church |
Mike Polin |
Premier Planning Group |
RiverCrest Golf Club |
Paul Schaeffer |
Margaret Schubert |
Spring-Ford Rotary Club |
St. Paul’s Memorial Episcopal Church |
St. Thomas More |
Karen Stellabotte |
Joseph Sterchak |
Michael Strouse |
Patricia Tomko |
Sam Trifaro |
MIchael Volpe |
Wentzel Bromiley Insurance |
Women’s Club of Royersford |
Jackie Woodson |
Up to $499
Albert Cognata Margaret Bright |
Alice Brooks Dorothy Calhoun Maureen Clark Aidan Colletti John Conway Charles Culman Mr. and Mrs John Ertell |
ALice Gennarelli |
Alice Perrone |
Alicia Nelson |
Alvin Coleman |
Amanda Reig |
Andrew Souder |
Angela Siana |
Angelo’s Carpet Cleaning |
Anita Thomas |
Anna L. Detweiler |
Anna Mae Daloisio |
Anne Benton |
Anne C Huff |
Anthony J DiFrancesco Jr. |
Barbara Ann Bonini |
Barbara Jocobs |
Barbara Losoncy |
Barbara Weber |
Belinda Penney |
Blue Marsh Insurance |
BPOE Pottstown Lodge No 814 |
Brad Barry |
Brady Carroll |
Brian Murphy |
Bryan Claudy (E8 Ret.) |
Bryan Saylor |
Carmen Damelio |
Carol Ann Faust |
Carol Wells |
Carole Dalton Slover Anna Dougherty |
Carole Turk |
Carolyn Albright |
Carrie Johnson |
Charlene Chapman |
Charles Snow |
Charlotte Smith |
Cheryl A Peiffer |
Chesmont BPW |
Christine Gabos |
Christopher Abell |
Christopher Mitchell |
Christopher Wentzel |
Claire Wcislo |
Clairmont, Paciello & CO. P.C. |
Clare Rothermel |
Clifford J Demarest |
Colleen Weyand |
Comcast Corporation |
Constance Beatty |
Constance Carter |
Constance Layman |
Covenant Presbyterian Church |
Cynthia Rafferty |
Darlene McIlvee |
David Fazzini |
David Hakes |
David Johnson |
David Meadows |
David Russo David Smith |
Dawn Caruano |
Daybreak Community Church |
Deaune C Volk |
Deborah Schneider |
Dennis Duym |
Desiree Altiere |
Diana Kelly |
Diane Martineau |
Dianne Heverly |
Dolores C. Hale |
Dolores Mastrangelo |
Dominick Centurioni |
Donna Carson |
Donna Famous |
Donna Sutherland |
Doris Recktenwald |
Dorothy Claudy Crystal Dodson-Pulley |
Doug Worman |
Edward Glynn |
Edward McDevitt |
Edward Mooney |
Edythe Patterson |
Elaine Steinke |
Eleanor J. Kuntz |
Elizabeth Barrett |
Elizabeth Young |
Erin Flury |
Erin Hueber |
Evans Abstract Co, Inc |
Evans Mill Environmental |
Evelyn L. Norton |
First Presbyterian Church |
First United Methodist Church-(UMW) |
Flamma Group |
Francis Kenney |
Frank Altiere III |
Frank Bizal |
Frank Giesa |
Gail Evangelista Gabriel WIlson |
Gary Cummins |
George Cockerill |
George Naab Jr. |
Gregory Martin |
Gus Stamatio Helene McEnhill Michael Means NAtalie Morgan |
Ingeborg Schuster |
Jack Dunleavy |
Jackie Woodson |
Jacquelin Marie Keenan |
James Hargraves |
James Johnson |
James Shovlin |
James Warren |
Jane Brigman |
Jane Finlay |
Janet Troutman Janet Hartwell |
Janice Gardler |
Jason Fiore |
Jazmine Phillips |
Jean Phillips |
Jean Williams |
Jeanette L Sylawa |
Jeanine Segal |
Jeanne Trudel |
Jeffrey S Moller |
Jennifer Bond |
Jennifer McCurry |
Jill Piscatella |
Joan E. Claycomb |
Joan Garbers |
Joanne Kusko |
Joanne Nerney |
Joanne Noble |
Jodi Bergman |
John Anthony |
John Delaney Jr. |
John Loftus |
John McNamara |
John Pufko |
Jordana Shane |
Joseph Corvino |
Joseph Melchiorre |
Joseph Sterchak |
Joseph Traficanti |
Josephine Gudowicz |
Joy Turunen |
Joyce Fox |
Judith Venezia |
Kainos Church of Christ |
Karen Bailey |
Karen Beyer |
Karen Stellabotte |
Karla Maguire |
Katherine McGarry |
Kathleen Mosbruger |
Kathleen Slattery |
Kathleen Stevens-Miller |
Kathryn M. Lynch |
Kathy Chera |
Kepoint Preservation Trust |
Kevin Brandis |
Kevin McElwee |
Kevin Rocks |
Keystone Ambucs |
Kimberly Chadwick |
Kimberly King |
Knights of Columbus 1374 |
Knights of Columbus Perkioman Valley 3633 |
Kris Keller |
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians |
LAOH Division 3 Maire Drumm |
Larry Pennypacker |
Leonor Gallo |
Lester W Rouse |
Lewis Osterhoudt |
Linda M. Orff |
Linda Marston |
Linda Ruth Taucher |
Lois Deuble |
Lorraine Bernhardt |
Louis J. Beccaria |
Louis Natale |
Louis O’Brien |
Lulu Boutique |
Lynn Ford |
Lynn Goldberg |
Lynn Pike Hartman |
M. Dianne March |
M. Jean Demchik Mark Yocum |
Margaret Doyle Koch |
Margaret Schubert |
Margaret Stachowski |
Marge Lejeune |
Maria Schaffer |
Marianne Holmes |
Marilyn Steinbright |
Marisa Griffin |
Marisa Marlowe |
Marjorie N. Saring |
Mark Hogan |
Marlene Smith |
Marta Stevens |
Mary Ann Fallon |
Mary Ann Resnik |
Mary Ellen Buono Jr. |
Mary Jane Autry |
Mary Jean Foresta |
Mary Kay McCann |
Mary Long |
Mary Lou Dougherty |
Mary Louise Castleman |
Mary McMonagle |
Mary P Rhoads |
Mary Sandra Shemonsky |
Mary Waibel |
Maryann Amici |
Maryann M Holtsmith |
MaryAnn Silvestri |
Maryanne Macalyse |
MaryJo Heyne |
Maureen Hauk |
Maureen McKenna |
Maureen Paul |
Megan Inmon |
Michael F Jacobson |
Michael Graham |
Michael Strouse |
MIchael Volpe |
Michele Murphy |
Michelle Finan |
Mike Polin |
Mishock Physical Therapy |
Monica Mockus |
Nancy Coyne |
Nancy Lehman |
Nancy Nonini |
Nicholas Rakowski |
Otterbein United Methodist Church |
Pamela Freehafer |
Patricia Allen |
Patricia Augusterfer |
Patricia Insetta-Rath |
Patricia J O’ Shaughnessy |
Patricia Karwoski |
Patricia McGuigan |
Patricia Schindler |
Patricia Solomon |
Patricia Tomko |
Patricia Whitmore |
Paul Cifra |
Paul Finigan |
Paul Schaeffer |
Penny Clift |
Pierre Koncurat Foundation |
Premier Planning Group |
R. Wayne Raffety |
Ralph Celidonio |
Renee Tamburro |
Richard A Lenoir |
Richard E. McVoy Jr. |
Richard Marino |
Richard Pultorak |
Richard Reis |
RIchard Stiles |
Richard W. Sanzick, Jr. |
Rita McGuane |
RiverCrest Golf Club |
Robert Borzillo |
Robert Fritsch |
Robert Hartman |
Robert Hartzel |
Robert Hentschel |
Robert Jackson |
Robert Jensen |
Robert McDonald |
Robert McLoud Jr. |
Robert Pingitore |
Robert V Levine |
Robin Becker |
Ronald Melincoff |
Ronnie Fitzpatrick |
Sam Trifaro |
Sandra Walton |
Shannon Bowman |
Shaun Devitt |
Sloane Moving & Storage |
Spring-Ford Rotary Club |
St. Eleanor’s Roman Catholic Church |
St. John’s United Church of Christ |
St. Joseph’s Church |
St. Matthew School |
St. Matthew’s United Church of Christ |
St. Paul’s Memorial Episcopal Church |
St. Robert Bellarmine |
St. Thomas More |
Stanley Johnson |
Stephen Hranilovich |
Stephen Kunz |
Stephen Mahle |
Steve Coscia |
Steve Mattiola |
Sue Smith |
Tammy Dempsey |
Tammy Virnig |
Target |
The Pilot Club of Valley Forge |
Theresa Santangelo |
Timothy Donovan |
Tom McGinley |
Tracy Gray |
TriCounty Community Network |
Usha Philipose |
Vi Yee |
Vicki Tague |
Vicky Thomas |
Violet Garber |
Virginia R Walters |
Visual Edge LLC |
Wentzel Bromiley Insurance |
Women’s Club of Royersford |
Zachary Schauer |